
Website Design
Social Media
Advertising Campaign


The Surrey Mortgage Broker

Richard Bousfield is an independent mortgage broker based in Farnham covering Surrey, Hampshire & West Sussex. Rich was looking for a fresh pair of eyes to review his marketing strategy, identify new opportunities and develop a new plan. As part of my audit, it was clear that his existing website was outdated, difficult to navigate and the back end wasn’t very user friendly to update.

After discussing the benefits of moving across to Squarespace, we designed and built a new clean, neat and structured site that would attract new mortgage clients while being informative for his existing ones. We integrated Call me Back and Life Insurance/Income Protection quotation software to give the site great functionality, and we also introduced a blog showing website visitors he knows what he’s talking about!

With a new website in place, my next job was to assemble the best combination of marketing tactics to reach new clients. Part of the strategy was to create a targeted social media campaign using eye catching imagery and strong bold messages, and as a result we saw an increase in web traffic and conversions.

Let's get you a Mortgage.jpg
Life Insurance Income Protection.jpg
Can I get a mortgage if I'm furloughed.jpg
“I’m absolutely chuffed to bits with the work Sarah at The Little Marketing has done for me. Her passion and dedication shine right through and the results have been tremendous. I would highly recommend!”

— Richard Bousfield | The Surrey Mortgage Broker