Bourne Chiropractic Clinic Website.jpg

Branding Assets
Website Design
Social Media


Bourne Chiropractic & Rehabilitation

Dr Lucy Vickers, is an incredibly talented Chiropractor based in Farnham, Surrey. Having built several successful practices in Bath and London, a move to Farnham meant that she would need to start from scratch with the launch of a new business.

Lucy approached me to first create a new visual identity for her business, followed by a new website to showcase her service offering. For her logo and brand assets, she was a big fan of turquoise blue and wanted it to feature as the lead colour. She also wanted me to incorporate ‘a spine’ within the logo, together with her full business name. Font wise we opted for a very classic and traditional feel, centrally stacking with the illustration sitting on top.

Bourne Chiropractic Logo FINAL copy.jpg

For her website, Lucy was really attracted to a clean, simple look with large images and parallax scrolling. She wanted her website to truly reflect the quality of her work , be cohesive with her new brand design and showcase her fabulous testimonials. Lucy had invested wisely in new photography and in third party software Jane App which I was able to integrate.

“I cannot recommend The Little Marketing Dept highly enough. The whole process was so smooth and professional. Sarah has a great aesthetic eye and reads your needs expertly. I am so pleased we found her as I now cannot imagine doing any of our marketing without her!”

— Dr Lucy Vickers | Bourne Chiropractic & Rehabilitation